Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Quest 19: Welcome Home Astraeus and Boreas!

Hello everyone I'm back. Sorry for the long wait and not really anymore word. Everything in my life went haywire.. My Grandma, my Dad, and me got sick. Things were crazy. @_@ Well, on a better note my Dollzone, yellow skinned Brant and Dollzone, pink skinned Lankui were shipped on the 25th and they came home yesterday on the 28th. Astraeus (Brant) is so handsome!! He looks even better than he did in the photos! >3< And Boreas (Lankui) Is absolutely adorable. ::Flails:: Eos is very happy to have her hubby and son home. Buuut.. I don't think Rhiannon is too happy about her new brother in law... But she LOVES her little nephew. Hee Hee! Who wouldn't love a face like that.. Any who, here is the box opening. I hope you like it!

The Box:

Astraeus' Clothes. He looks so handsome in his full set outfit but the other I bought for him is kind of tight and too short.. So I'm gonna give it to my friend who has ordered her boy not to long ago. ^3^

Mummy Astraeus.. He's so big! Wo Eos your gonna have your hands full! O3O

Here he is in his naked glory! Funny thing is he really had no problem being naked in front of the camera.. He was more kicky when I put cloths on him... ::Face palm:: O3O

Beautiful hands!! ::flails::

His beautiful face. I love his eyes!!

A few smexy picks of my gorgeous man! ^3^

Astraeus and Eos have some quality time together! So jealous... ^3^

Opening of Boreas. (Pink skin Lankui) Our bouncing baby boy! ^3^ Sorry its not a full opening I had already opened and dressed little Boreas while I was in the hospital with my Dad...

The Family portrait.. So CUTE!! ^3^

Again sorry for the late post and sorry if I really didn't give you a lot of heads up about these two.. Hope you like the latest additions to the family. This will probably be it for buying more dolly's for a bit. Will be broke for a bit.. But I will be posting more photos, news on clothing for my lovely's, and possibly written and photo stories. Please look forward to more and have a great day! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee's!! ^3^

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quest 18: Welcome Home Eos!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Rhiannon and I went on our first dolly meet. It was awesome. My friend Lisa was able to come and she is now wanting to get her own dolly. Also on 01/21/12 I got an email that Eos (DZ Clovera) was shipped. Yaaaay! Then after work, yesterday 01/24/12, I called my mom and she asked me to guess what just came in the mail. I didn't think it was Eos because there was no way she came in that quick. So I thought and thought and asked, "Taxes?" My Mom laughed and hinted,"It was delivered by UPS..." I then freaked out and spun in circles outside my work. Hah Hah! So many people were staring. But I didn't care I was ecstatic! So I drove home and opened the box and took pictures. Here is the Box Opening. Enjoy and please excuse my bad photo skills I need a new camera...

The boxy box!!

I'm home! ^3^

All of the Goodies! (Book, DDE Card, Eos's Papers, Wigs, Clothes)

Pillow!! So soft..

Dolly mummy..

Nakedness.. O_O

Such pretty hands!

Her beautiful face! I'm so impressed with Dollzone's face-ups.

OMG she stands! Something Rhiannon has trouble doing with out her boots.

Eos finished! Woot!! I'll make sure to post more pictures soon..

Until next time! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's!!! <3