Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quest 18: Welcome Home Eos!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Rhiannon and I went on our first dolly meet. It was awesome. My friend Lisa was able to come and she is now wanting to get her own dolly. Also on 01/21/12 I got an email that Eos (DZ Clovera) was shipped. Yaaaay! Then after work, yesterday 01/24/12, I called my mom and she asked me to guess what just came in the mail. I didn't think it was Eos because there was no way she came in that quick. So I thought and thought and asked, "Taxes?" My Mom laughed and hinted,"It was delivered by UPS..." I then freaked out and spun in circles outside my work. Hah Hah! So many people were staring. But I didn't care I was ecstatic! So I drove home and opened the box and took pictures. Here is the Box Opening. Enjoy and please excuse my bad photo skills I need a new camera...

The boxy box!!

I'm home! ^3^

All of the Goodies! (Book, DDE Card, Eos's Papers, Wigs, Clothes)

Pillow!! So soft..

Dolly mummy..

Nakedness.. O_O

Such pretty hands!

Her beautiful face! I'm so impressed with Dollzone's face-ups.

OMG she stands! Something Rhiannon has trouble doing with out her boots.

Eos finished! Woot!! I'll make sure to post more pictures soon..

Until next time! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's!!! <3


  1. So cuuuute! :D Congratulations and yay for surprise package arrivals. XD

  2. Awesome! These are some of the most amazing looking dolls!!!

  3. So awesome! You have inspired me!
